At Untold, we believe that books are objects of desire that you perceive and absorb with all your senses and that touch you in every way imaginable.
To achieve this unique feeling, we create one-of-a-kind photo art books and other outstanding publications. Every book has an exceptional holistic concept: they are a sensory, sensual, and quite sensational experience. Inside and out, from cover to cover, on every single page.
“Only by knowing the bigger story, we are able to tell the small one.”
Untold Independent Publishing House is all about passion. We have a deep love for esthetics and beauty and cherish fascinating tales and authentic stories with a particular soft spot for sustainability and social responsibility.
We aim to restore the almost nostalgic and anachronistic art of bookmaking in all its glory and take it to the next level. We take the time it needs to get it right and gather the best people around us to achieve what we have in mind and especially in our hearts. These top-notch professionals with tons of love for their field of expertise are single-minded about one thing: creating rare gems.
When it has the Untold brand of excellence on it, it will trigger attraction at first sight. An Untold Book will create a roller coaster of emotions from the very moment you open it.
Untold Independent Publishing House books and publications will delight all your senses.